Storm of Fire

Miniature Gaming Rules for Twentieth Century Conflicts
Produced by Wasatch Miniatures

What is Storm of Fire?

Storm of Fire Overview

A game of Storm of Fire is played between two or more players, based on a defined mission. The players attempt to achieve a Mission’s objectives by maneuver, fire, and assault against an enemy force. A Mission will last a specific number of turns, typically six to nine.

The game is played with realistic historical terrain, which creates tactical challenges for the players. Terrain can reduce movement and block line of sight. In addition, it can provide units with concealment (making them harder to hit) and protection (making them harder to damage).

The command system is the heart of the game, and it is based on activation dice. During a turn, each side will first roll activation dice to determine the order and capability to activate units. The activation sequence proceeds sequentially through 7 phases, starting with Phase Six and ending with Phase Zero.

When units are activated, they may take two actions, allowing them to move, fire, assault, and rally. Some actions are “double actions” and use both allowed actions for that activation.

There are two basic types of movement, maneuver actions are used when near the enemy, or if the unit wants to do another action before or after moving. At the Quick actions are double actions, but they allow a unit to make a longer move if it does not get too close to any enemy models.

Units fire by making accuracy checks to hit, which are based on the training and posture of their target, modified for terrain and range. Any hits generate damage checks, based on the lethality of the firing weapon. Enough hits will also inflict one or more suppression markers on the target.

Suppression reduces a unit’s effectiveness, in both firing and in close combat. Leadership is critical to manage and reduce the suppression load on your units.

Assaults are quick and bloody, with the attackers who survive defensive fire making an assault test, with successes removing enemy models. The enemy then strikes back by making assault tests with their surviving models. After both sides have made assault tests once, they must test to strike back to continue the combat, and if so, they make another round of assault tests. This continues until one side fails to strike back, breaks off or is eliminated.

After the specified number of turns have been played, the players will check against the victory conditions for the mission, and determine which side emerges victorious!

Please see below for the current draft / playtest copies of the materials. If you try any of them we would love your feedback.

Storm of Fire - Core Rules

Core Rulebook

The core rulebook contains all of the basic rules of play for the game, applicable to any era of the twentieth century.

Sections cover core rule concepts, basic force organization, sequence of play and gameplay around movement, fire and melee combat.

Also included are rules for engineering, terrain, triage and morale. Plus a set of basic missions to get you started playing.

Feel free to give them a try, you can access a .pdf version of the basic rules here.

Storm of Fire: Great War Era

The Great War Era

The Great War is iconic in near modern history, with conflict on a massive scale and numerous tactical and technological innovations changing how war would be waged going forward.

Storm of Fire will offer a complete set of content to cover the Great War, including Forces books and an Era book containing era-specific special rules and missions for the game

Please enjoy them, and feel free to contact us with any questions or suggestions. You can access them by clicking on the buttons below.

Storm of Fire
Coming Soon - Era Handbook: Great War

Late War (1917-18) Forces Documents

Storm of Fire

Coming Soon - SoF Forces: Italy 1917-18

Storm of Fire

Coming Soon - SoF Forces: Balkans 1917-18

Early War (1914) Forces Documents

Mid-War (1915-16) Forces Documents

Storm of Fire: World War Two Era

World War Two Era

Storm of Fire will also cover the World War Two era.

More details will be coming soon.