GAJO Games Blog

Rumblings & Ramblings on the Goings On in the Shop & the Hobby

GAJO Games Blog - 2021 Number 27:

Flames of War: NUTS August Game

The NUTS group's latest FOW game was set in Hungary during 1944, and featured a mix of Germans and Hungarians taking on three Soviet forces.

We went with 105 point forces this time, which was a different challenge for list building. Dave ran two Soviet 105 point forces, and Gary ran one; taking on my 105 point Hungarians, and Mike and Jim both ran 105 point German forces.

We played our Contested Ground Mission, which forces maneuver and gets to a quick resolution.

Dave managed a draw with Jim, while breaking Mike just as he was about to break himself. Gary and I fought to a draw, with the Hungarians more than holding their own despite Gary's crafty left hook threatening our flank. Great fun!

Hungarians React to Gary's Flank Attack

Nimrods and T-70s Fight Over an Objective

Hungarian Tigers, Hit From All Sides

Dave's IS-2s Sieze a Key Bridge

Jim's Armor Moves Up

But a StuG Unit Brews Up

Soviet Recon Threaten Another Objective

While Mike's Recon Push Aggressively Forward

Hungarian Infantry, Who Forgot Their Spades and Never Dug In

Gary's Dice Were Really Cold...

And Even Colder...

Mike's Light Armor Lets Him Down

The Endgame View