GAJO Games Blog

Rumblings & Ramblings on the Goings On in the Shop & the Hobby

GAJO Games Blog - 2021 Number 26:

WW3 Team Yankee: Beqaa Valley Campaign Kickoff

The NUTS group, after concluding their Suez 1973 campaign, decided to stay in the modern era for the next one. They have turned their focus to Lebannon in 1982, focusing on the fighting in the Beqaa Valley in the south eastern part of the country.

The first action we generated was an Israeli assault near Marjaoun, with an Israeli armored column hitting a PLO position, supported by Syrian forces.

The mission generated was Bridgehead, which allowed the Israelis the opportunity to outflank the outnumbered Arab forces, but left them vulnerable to arriving Arab reserves if they couldn't win quickly.

The Israelis started well, crunching the PLO right flank, and putting pressure all along the line. They managed to destroy a Syrian SAM group almost immediately, leaving the path clear for their Air Force. Sadly the IAF managed to turn up only once, to intercept some Syrian MiG-23s. And just when it looked like the Israelis had them in a vice, Arab reinforcements arrived as early as possible, and in exatly the right place.

The Israelis caused heavy casualties, but were stymied on taking an objective, and decided to fall back to regroup. First blood to the Syrian / PLO forces. Stay tuned for more updates.

Israeli Armor Flanks Syrian Infantry on the Israeli Right

Israeli F-16s Intercept Mig-23s, Downing One

Israeli Firebase in Their Center

Syrians Under Heavy Fire

Arriving T-55s Save the Syrian Right

MiGs Hit an Artillery Battery

Stalemate on the Syrian Right

Mike Laments His Burning BTR-60s

But Holds His Objective