GAJO Games Blog

Rumblings & Ramblings on the Goings On in the Shop & the Hobby

GAJO Games Blog - 2021 Number 25:

Musket and Tomahawk Pony Wars: Custer's Last Stand

The GHS group game for this month was a trial of the new edition of Muskets and Tomahawks, set in the Pony Wars period.

Shawn had just visited the Little Bighorn Battlefield, and wanted to try out his pony wars figure collection. Dave had the new version of Muskets and Tomahawks, and volunteered to run the game for the group to see how they liked the rules.

M&T is a skirmish level set, and it turned out to be very suited to the Little Bighorn.

The game playes very well, and the players picked up the mechanics quickly and easily. It uses cards for activation, and nicely randomizes the action.

When the dust settled, Custer had met his destiny, but so had Crazy Horse, in a fairly historical outcome and a Native American victory. The group liked the rules so much they plan to try out other eras using the set. Stay tuned for more updates.

Natives Ambush the Cavalry in the South

While More Cavalry Approaches from the North

One Cavalry Unit Falls Back Under Fire

While Another Holds On

Heavy Skirmishing in the Southern Greasy Grass

More Cavalry Joins the Fight

Crazy Horse Arrives

Cavalry Fall Back Under Fire

More Native Units Ready to Enter the Game

Custer Prepares to Charge

And Rides Over the Hill to Meet His Destiny

While Reno Hold On