GAJO Games Blog

Rumblings & Ramblings on the Goings On in the Shop & the Hobby

GAJO Games Blog - 2021 Number 24:

Flames of War: NUTS June Action

The NUTS Group gathered for another of our regular Flames of War games at the end of June. We have been alternating between Eastern Front / Bagration and the British sector in Normandy. This month was Eastern Front, and we set up an action in Hungary during 1944.

We used 120 point forces this time, giving the ability to build nice, balanced forces.

Bart and Dave handled 240 points of Soviets between them on a 18' by 4' table. I ran my newly painted Hungarian Tiger Company, with a mix of support. Mike ran 120 points of Germans, covering my left flank.

The Soviets pressed the Axis hard, but the Axis forces were resilient and held on. The Tigers, even with Hungarian stats, were beasts. This is the first time I have ever run Tigers (I have no German Tigers), and they were great fun (for me, maybe not for Bart...).

When the dust settled, the Axis forces were able to sweep the field, despite significant losses. A nice debut for the new FOW Axis Allies book!

T-34s of the Polish People's Army Advance

Hungarian Tigers Pummel a large T-34 Company

Hungarian Infantry Push Through an Orchard

Zrinyis and Toldi IIAs Join the Fight