GAJO Games Blog

Rumblings & Ramblings on the Goings On in the Shop & the Hobby

GAJO Games Blog - 2021 Number 23:

WW3 Team Yankee: NUTS July Action

The NUTS Group gathered for another of our regular WW3 games early in July.

We played another Super Tank Challenge Mission, which allows 250 points but requires players to take a formation of tanks with front armor of 17 or more.

Bart and Mike handled 750 points of Soviets between them on a 28' by 4' table. I ran my M1A1 Company, with a second formation from the 82nd Airborne. Dave tried out his Challenger Armoured Squadron, while Gary ran a combo of M1s and M-60s, all of us at 250 points each.

The Soviets pressed NATO hard, but the NATO armor held strong along most of the front. Heavy casualties were incurred on both sides.

When the dust settled, Mike had an advantage on the Soviet right, but Bart was hard pressed in the center and on his left, so we called it a narrow NATO win. A quick and extremely fun game!

Airborne Infantry and Sheridans Ambush the Soviets

More Airborne Secure a Churchyard

Massed T-80s Take Heavy Fire

Bart Struggles With Cross Checks

Gary's M60s Under Fire

My M1A1s Support my Airborne

Bradleys Under Fire Near an Overpass

Good View of the Table

Dave's Challenger Squadron Holds the Line

T-80s Advance

But Take Heavy Fire

T-64s Fall to M1 Fire