GAJO Games Blog

Rumblings & Ramblings on the Goings On in the Shop & the Hobby

GAJO Games Blog - 2021 Number 21:

Flames of War: Debrecen, 1944

After a long hiatus due to Covid restrictions, we held our first mega game of the year on the 5th Saturday of July.

The scenario was based on the fighting around Debrecen in eastern Hungary, during 1944, and featured Soviet forces facing off against a combination of Germans and Hungarians.

We wound up with four Soviet players taking on four Axis players, with Todd, Jim, Hayden and Cody fiedling Soviets, and Mike and Dave Germans, and Garry and Aaron Hungarians.

The game was quite tense and balanced. To the west, the Feldernhalle overcame and broke its Soviet opponents, thanks in part to Cody's ability to roll a lot of ones. On the eastern flank, Todd's Soviets managed to break Mike's 13th Panzer after a hard fight. This left the decision up to the Hungarians in the center.

Jim came very close to breaking Aaron's Hungarians, while Hayden pinned Garry down in Debrecen itself. On the last turn, though, Aaron managed to hang on and break Jim's force, giving the Axis a very narrow and hard fought win.

The Hungarian Plain East of Debrecen

Csaba Armored Cars Under Fire From T-34s

Hungarian Infantry in Debrecen

View from Debrecen Looking West

Todd's Soviets Advance on Mike's Panzers

Hayden Surverys the Town

Dave's Feldhernhalle in Action

Cody's Soviets Strike Back

More Panzers Arrive, Swinging the Battle on that Flank

Jim and Hayden, Close to Victory in the Center

Hungarian Tigers Arrive

Hungarian Infantry Take Casualties in Debrecen Itself

Hungarian Warrior Tiger in Action

Soviets Crush the Axis Left