GAJO Games Blog

Rumblings & Ramblings on the Goings On in the Shop & the Hobby

GAJO Games Blog - 2021 Number 20:

WW3 Team Yankee: Meeting Engagement

Garry, Shawn and I recently got together for our regular WW3 game. This time I built a force for both Shawn and I, to match Garry's 240 points of Soviets.

We selected the mission using the Mission Matrix, and as we both chose an attack posture we rolled for Free for All, a classic meeting engagement.

Garry won the role to select the side of the table (we played on a 12 ft by 4 ft table), and picked the side with a town and very good cover. Gary had two formations, a Shock T-80 formation and a BMP-3 Motor Rifle formation. He split his force up to cover the objectives we placed on both of his flanks, plus a central force to defend the town. We set up with my small force (a Bradley Mech platoon, M109 battery and 4 M1A1 tanks) covering the objective in our right center, while Shawn massed our attack force (14 IPM1 tanks) on our left. Shawn won the roll for first turn so we took the first turn.

The game was quite tense and balanced, Shawn did a great job attacking, across a wooded hill, onto Garry's right flank objective. I held on defensively in the center, as Garry mounted a concerted assault on our right objective.

In the end Shawn was able to flank Garry's T-80s, and cleared the objective despite significant casualties. I held Garry's assault in the center, giving the US a hard fought victory. Man those T-80 and BMP-3 formations are tough...

My M1A1s Supporting Dug In Mech Infantry

Garry's Left Hand Objective, Well-Secured

Soviets Advance Through the Town

Soviet Storms Cover an Open Area

The Table Viewed From Garry's Left Flank

Heavy Fighting on the Soviet Right

IPM1s Flank T-80s on the Wooded Hill

My M1A1s Support Shawn's Attack

M2 Bradleys Duel with BMP-3s and Tunguskas

An RDF-LT Unit Provides Fire Support for Shawn's Attack

BMP-3s Clustered Near the Village

And on the Other Flank