GAJO Games Blog

Rumblings & Ramblings on the Goings On in the Shop & the Hobby

GAJO Games Blog - 2021 Number 19:

Flames of War: Normandy Action

The NUTS Group May Flames of War Action took place in the British Sector of Normandy, and featured a clash between a mass of British armor facing off with a mixed German defense.

On the German right, a Fallschirmjager force managed to stymie the British advance, while in the center a more armor heavy force held on against a mass of British armor and infantry.

The German left was held by light forces supported by armor, which struggled to hold of more British armor and infantry.

In the end neither force managed to hold enough objectives for a clear cut win, leaving the action as a hard fought draw.

Bart's Armor Flanks Panthers on a Wooded Hill

Dave Surveys Masses of German Light Vehicles

But His Forces are Holding

Germans Fight Their Way into a Village

Dave's Paras Hold a Hill

My FJs Eye Approaching AVREs

View of the Thin FJ Line

Massed Fire Claims an FJ StuG

Gary's Panthers Counterattack

British Paras Ambush German Recce Troops in a Vineyard

Heavy Fighting in the Village

Paras Hunker Down in Foxholes

Bart's Armor Taking Casualties

But the Carriers Break Through!

My FJs Capture an AVRE, to Great Rejoicing