GAJO Games Blog

Rumblings & Ramblings on the Goings On in the Shop & the Hobby

GAJO Games Blog - 2021 Number 16:

Hail Caesar: Romans vs Carthage

The GHS Group continued their Hail Caesar block this month, with a Roman versus Carthaginian clash in Spain.

The battle opened with action on both wings, while the opposing centers closed on each other. The Roman right flank cavalry got into action quickly, and soon routed their Carthaginian opponents. On the other flank the Carthaginian skirmishers utilized a hill and some rough terrain to stymie the Roman cavalry.

When the centers met the action heated up. The Carthaginians managed several breakthroughs in the very center, but both sides brought up reserves and neither could keep the upper hand.

The Roman cavalry, looking to roll up the Carthaginian line, was stymied by elephants, while both sides ground each other down. The end result was a bloody draw, great fun all around.

The Forces of Carthage Advance

Roman Cohorts in Action

Roman Cavalry Routs the Carthaginian Right

Driving Off the Carthaginian Cavalry

Good View of the Table

Heavy Fighting in the Center

The Carthaginian Line Starts to Buckle

But Reserves Move Up

Heavy Skirmishing on the Carthaginian Right

Breakthrough in the Center

Elephants Stymie the Roman Cavalry

Back and Forth in the Center

Fresh Carthaginians Push Forward

But the Romans Hold On