GAJO Games Blog

Rumblings & Ramblings on the Goings On in the Shop & the Hobby

GAJO Games Blog - 2021 Number 13:

Victory at Sea: Action in the Mediterranean

We have been really taken with the new (revised) Victory at Sea Naval Game from Warlord Games.

Over the holiday weekend a couple of us fought out a fleet encounter in the Med, with British facing off with an Italian squadron.

The British squadron was centered on the Warspite, supported by 3 destroyers and 3 cruisers.

The Italians matched this with the older BB Conte di Cavour, plus one heavy and 2 light cruisers, and 3 destroyers.

The game plays fast and clean - the Italians claimed first blood, managing to sink the cruiser Neptune, but British fire was brutal, and soon both the CL Etna and the BB Conte di Cavour were crippled. The Italian squadron limped away, leaving Britannia with temporary control of the sea (for now...). Great fun!

Warspite Leads the British Squadron

Conte di Cavour, Crippled by British Fire

While Pola Administers the Coup de Grace to Neptune