GAJO Games Blog

Rumblings & Ramblings on the Goings On in the Shop & the Hobby

GAJO Games Blog - 2021 Number 12:

WW3 Team Yankee: Fast Play Mission

We tried out my latest fast play mission for WW3 Team Yankee recently, with a group of "super tank challenge" (STC) forces.

An STC force is 250 points, but must include at least one formation of tanks with front armor of 17 or higher.

The mission is called Contested Ground, and uses two objectives per six feet of table, placed alternately within 6" of the table center line.

This forces players to be aggressive, because if they fail to contest the objectives quickly their opponent can earn a quick win.

This time the Soviets got out of the gate strong, and managed to take the majority of the objectives by turn four. Well played!

My M1A1s Duel T-80s Over an Objective

T-62s Push Against US Cavalry and M60 Tanks

More M60s Flank the Soviet Advance