GAJO Games Blog

Rumblings & Ramblings on the Goings On in the Shop & the Hobby

GAJO Games Blog - 2021 Number 11:

Fate of a Nation: Campaign Update

Our 1973 Suez campaign, using the Fate of a Nation rules from Battlefront, entered its final stages this month.

The Israeli forces have been pushed back, losing the Sinai passes, and have launched a series of desperate counterattacks to contain the Egyptian forces and retake the critical passes.

Although all of the battles fought out so far have been close, the Egyptian forces have held on. Our next session should see the critical assaults fought, which will decide the campaign outcome.

Israeli Smoke Isolates a Portion of the Egyptian Force

And Heavy Fire Inflicts Casualties

A Sh'ot Platoon Flanks the Egyptian Line

Israeli Armor Duels with Egyptian Armor

Magach 6s Hold an Objective