GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2020 - Number 59


Celts Approach Mount Bagley
SPQR: Demo Day

We recently ran a demo day for the Warlord Games Ancient Skirmish rules SPQR, introducing gamers to the fast play rule set.

We had well spaced small actions, with players trying out their own warbands or using some from Shawn's collection.

It was fun - the rules play quick and easy, while they can be a bit unclear at times playing quickly sorts out the intent. They provide a great way to get a start in Ancient gaming without needing to paint huge armies right off the bat.

Roman Warband Heads for a Druidic Cave Complex

Interrupting a Ritual

Warriors Stream Down to Confront the Invaders

War Dogs in Action

A Contested Temple Ruin - Hallowed Ground

Attack on a Baggage Train

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