GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2020 - Number 58


Hinds Land Well Behind NATO Lines
Team Yankee: Battle in Holland

Several of us played a big WW3 Team Yankee game recetly, pitting 200 points of Soviets against 200 points of Dutch and US on a table with a very Holland feel.

The American forces, as they did historically, were able to concentrate against sections of the KPA's defences, overwhelming them with men and firepower.

The American force was an M1 Company with support, while the Dutch had a Leopard 2 formation and a Leopard 1 formation. The Soviets fielded a T-64 formation, with some T-80s in support.

We rolled up Dust Up as the mission, and the action was heavy right from the start. The US force tried flanking the T-80s, while the Dutch Leopard 1s played cat and mouse iwth T-64s in the central village. The game wound up as a real nail biter, with a very narrow NATO victory at the end, with the US 1 unit away from a formation break (whew). Great fun!

Shawn's M1s Maneuver Around the Overpass

Soviet BMP-2s Advance on the Overpass

Leopards Take Heavy Losses in the Village

As Dutch Artillery Fires in Support

Soviet AA Clustered on an Objective

A T-80 Succumbs to a Flank Shot

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