GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2020 - Number 57


Dave Deploys His Marine Landing Craft
Bolt Action Korea: Landings at Incheon

The latest GAJO Historical Group game series is focused on the Korean War, using the Bolt Action rules and their excellent supplement on Korea. The most recent game focused on Macarthur's landings around the port city of Incheon.

The American forces, as they did historically, were able to concentrate against sections of the KPA's defences, overwhelming them with men and firepower.

The North Korean forces fought hard, almost suicidally, but were unable to repel the invaders. Great fun!

My Infantry Look Out at the Harbor

An SU-76 Ready to Fire on the Harbor

A Katyusha Rocket Battery Waits for Targets

KPA Troops in Bunkers and Trench Lines

A KPA BTR-40 Advances

KPA Artillery Awaits the Invaders

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