GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2020 - Number 55


View from the American Right Flank
Setting the Table: Team Yankee

Recently Garry Clements and I sat down to do a Team Yankee game, and we decided to use 120 points each on a double wide (12 foot by 4 foot) table.

I like a larger table size as it gives much more room to maneuver, and offers a different tactical challenge for my WW3 Team Yankee forces. I ran my Polish forces, while Garry ran a combined force of US Amry and US Marines.

The table Chris designed was excellent, with a variety of terrain offering lots of different approach routes for each side. There were varying types of cover and several congestion points, opening up a number of tactical options. We both wound up with an objective toward each of our flanks, and that set up an interesting game of manevuver

Another example of the interest a good tabletop can add to a WW3 game.

View from the American Left Flank

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