GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2020 - Number 54


Union forces force a hole in the rebel lines
Fire & Fury: ACW Campaign

Chris and Dave have been playing an ACW campaign for the last few months. When we say ACW campaign we mean the entire war is being recreated.

They're using Victory Games' "The Civil War" for strategic moves and then fighting the tabletop battles with the equally venerable "Brigade Fire and Fury" minatures rules. Last Friday saw the biggest battle to date, the August 1862 Union assault on Nashville.

The Confederate defenders held but the commander of the Federal X Corps, one Major General Ulysses S Grant was promoted to Lieutenant General qualifying him to command armies on "The Civil War" map, a most unwelcome development for the South.

If you want to follow the campaign's progress in more detail it is covered at here.

AP Hill's sector comes under extreme pressure

Men of Sedgwick's XI Corps capture a length of earthworks

The southern end of the Union line has been stripped down to one division and the Confederates there go over to the offensive.

Hardee's division counterattacks

Ord's Union XII Corps moving up from reserve

Nathan Bedford Forrest's cavalry about to give their Union counterparts a bloody nose

A view of the Confederate defenses in Hardee's sector prior to the battle

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