GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2020 - Number 53


Dutch Infantry Take Out a T-64 on an Objective
Team Yankee: Trying the T-80

With the release of the new starter set for WW3 Team Yankee, the Soviets now have access to the T-80 tank and the BMP-3 IFV.

These provide some new options for building Soviet forces in the game, so we wanted to try them out. Bart came down for a couple of trial games, and we tried a combination of NATO British, Dutch and US forces against his T-80 battalion and a T-64 battalion for comparison.

The verdict was very positive, while the T-64 is good and you can pack more of them into 120 points, the T-80 and BMP-3 are excellent vehicles and provide a very different tactical challenge to the opposing NATO forces. It was great fun trying them out, and I suspect we will see lots of them once the new Soviet book is released.

Dutch Flank Attack Hits the T-64 Force

YPRs Duel with BMPs

Soviets Take an Objective

Dutch Infantry Deploy

M1A1s vs T-80s

More T-80s Push on an Objective

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