GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2020 - Number 52


The FJs Set Up Behind the River
Flames of War: New River Crossing Mission First Play

Garry Clements and I recently got together to try out the new River Crossing mission from Flames of War.It is included in the new Bagration: Soviet book.

Garry took a mix of hero infantry units, lots of artillery, and an assault unit of IS-2 tanks. I fielded my Fallschirmjagers from the D-Day: German book, with a formation of FJ infantry, backed up with a formation of FJ StuGs.

The new mission was great fun, we tried both the river assault boat mechanic and then the bridge assault with the IS-2s. I managed to hold off one boat assault on my right, but Garry succeeded on my left, and that coupled with his IS-2 bridge assault gave him the win in the end.

The New Soviet Smoke Bombardment in Action

Soviets Assault After the Smoke Dissipates

The German Flank is Turned By Infantry and IS-2s

Soviets Move More Forces to the Bridge

At Least the FJs Had One Success

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