GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2020 - Number 51


KPA Forces Secure an Objective
Bolt Action: Korean War Event

Several of our Bolt Action players are really enjoying the new Korean War period. Shawn took the lead in organizing a one day event to allow others to experience the period this past weekend.

The day saw players playing two different opponents in small missions, using 500 points and varied KPA, Chinese and UN forces. There were prizes based on how players did, with everyone getting something cool.

The games were great fun, quick and decisive, with a good split of red and blue forces to try. Great fun, and I think we'll see more Korean War play here at the shop!

Chinese Infantry Pushes Forward

Like a Human Wave, Only Scarier

Shawn Provided Froces for People Wanting to Try

KPA Versus Australians

Australian Firepower in Action

More Marines, With a Dog Team

Australians Contest an Objective

The Games Were Played on 4x4 Boards

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