GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2020 - Number 50


Israeli Infantry Redeploys Under Cover of a Smoke Barrage
Fate of a Nation: October War Campaign Kickoff

The NUTS group and friends have started up a campaign refighting the October 1973 fighting on the Sinai front.

The initial turn saw overwhelming Egyptian forces pushing across the Suez Canal and through the Bar Lev line. The main Israeli forces remained in reserve, so the fighting saw Israeli screening forces and Bar Lev strongpoints trying to hold off masses of Egyptians.

When the dust settled, the Bar Lev Line was badly penetrated, with the Egyptians securing lodgement at Qantara, Mifraket, Purkan, Matzmed and Nisan. The Israelis did manage one draw, and a solitary victory, despite being massively outnumbered. Night has now fallen, what will the tricky Egyptians try next?

Israeli Infantry Fight Off a mass of T-55s

M50 and M51 Shermans in Action

M113 Mech Infantry Push to Relieve a Bar Lev Strongpoint

The Strongpoint Garrison

Casualties on Both Sides

Gary Tries Not to Panic

Egyptian Centurions in Action

Cody Assaults an Israeli-Held Rise

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