GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2020 - Number 48


Dutch Forces Facing a Polish Attack
Team Yankee: Even More August Action

We had even more WW3 Team Yankee action this past month. It is a good time to be an enthusiast of modern tanks!

Here are some photos from the more recent games - which featured a meeting engagement between Iranians and British, a huge Polish force taking on some Dutch and US Cavalry, and a Syrian vs US armored clash. The final game saw an unholy Iran/Iraq Alliance (shades of Tom Clancy) facing a British / Israeli force. Enjoy the pictures!

The Polish Right Faces US Cavalry

Dutch Leopards Engage Polsh Shilkas on a Wooded Hill

Iranian Armor Advances Against a British Force

American Armor Facing a Syrian Assault

The Syrians Struggle with M1s

The British Challengers Arrive

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