GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2020 - Number 41


Good View of the Table
Flames of War: Normandy British Action

We recently had another small group game of Flames of War, with multiple British Normandy forces facing off against two forces drawn form D-Day: Germans.

On a large Middle East table, an Israeli force faced off with a Russian T-64 force.

On the European tables, we had Russians against US and British, and Poles against American matchups. Great games all, and lots of fun!

British Infantry Deploy Opposite the Town

Panzergrenadiers Dig in on an Objective

British Achilles Take Out a Tiger Spearhead

But Suffer Heavy Return Fire

More British Infantry Advancing

Allied Artillery Goes Into Action

Heavy Fighting Near a Chateaux

Panzergrenadiers Move Up

Shawn and Phil Coordinate Their Attacks

A Cromwell Troop Brews Up

The Culprit Watches from the Town

While Infantry Hunker Down Nearby

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