GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2020 - Number 34


Basij Approach an Israeli Settlement
Team Yankee: Oil Wars Action

With Open Play resuming, a group got together to try out a larger but distanced battle in the Craigspiel Room downstairs.

On a large Middle East table, an Israeli force faced off with a Russian T-64 force.

On the European tables, we had Russians against US and British, and Poles against American matchups. Great games all, and lots of fun!

Revolutionary Guard T-62s Push on Israeli Positions

Iranians and Israelis Exchange Fire

Israeli F-16s Take Out an Iranian Artillery Unit

Syrian Armor Approaches a US M-60 Force

The Syrians Take Heavy Fire Right From the Start

Iraqi Armor Supports the Syrian Advance

French Armor Swings Into Action

British vs French Maneuveres Underway

Mock Combat Leads to "Casualties" on Both Sides

British Challengers on Maneuvers

The Iraqis Under Heavy US Fire

Likewise the Syrians Take Heavy Fire

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