GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2020 - Number 33


Reconfiguration in Progress
Open Play Returns

With our Covid threat level being reduced to yellow here, we've resumed allowing open play in the store.

We've made a number of changes, though, including rearranging to put 8 or more feet between tables, and limiting the number of players per table. We now have 6 reconfigured tables available upstairs.

In the Craigspiel Room, we've rebuilt 2 tables to allow us to have 34 feet of linear gaming space - the tables all together are 34 feet long by 4 feet wide. This makes keeping social distance while playing much easier for customers.

Gary and Shawn had the first open play game after resumption, a Flames of War desert battle. Great fun!

The Reconfigured Tables on the South Side

The North Side, Reconfigured

Garry and Shawn Setting Up

The Table Filling Up

Ready for the British Attack

The Craigspiel Room 34 Ft Table

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