GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2020 - Number 32


The Kits - Assembled and Primed
Covid Project 2 - Fallschirmjager StuGs

My second project during the Covid era was a full formation (Battery) of Fallschirmjager StuG assault guns.

I like to build full formations together, so I decided to do a full battery from the Flames of War D-Day Germans book. I had no existing FJ armor, so I went for a full strength HQ of 2 StuG Gs, 2 platoons of 4 StuG Gs, and one platoon of 4 StuH 10.5cm assault guns. I like this formation, it offers good capability against both armor and infantry, and the unit of 10.5cm assault guns allow you a bombardment option for dealing with dug in AT guns or infantry. I find the StuG to be quite survivable, while the point cost allows more of them in the field compared to Tigers or Panthers.

The Battlefront plastic StuG kit is an excellent kit. Assembly tends to be the part of the hobby I enjoy least, so I prefer kits with lots of detail for painting, but that go together quickly and with minimal hassle. I built all 14 kits quite quickly, and then primed them with Citadel Chaos Black spray.

I then drybrushed them with Vallejo 978 Dark Yellow, and washed everything with Citadel Agrax Earthshade. I then went back and filled in the non-recessed areas with the Dark Yellow. I added camo splotches using a pattern from a photo I found of a Luftwaffe StuG in Normandy. The camo was done using Vallejo 890 Reflective Green and 826 German Camo Brown. I then carefully highlighted the camo areas with Citadel Warpstone Glow and Mournfang Brown, which are more vibrant shades that nicely complement the Vallejo base colors.

To finish them off, I added unit flashes using Citadel Caledor sky, with a lightning bolt in Citadel Averland sunset. I then sealed them, ready for play. I enjoyed working on these and I'm quite happy with how they turned out.

I Prime the Crew Figures on the Sprue

StuGs After a Drybrush and Shade

The Shade Nicely Accents the Kit Detaiils

Starting to Apply the Camo

Close Up of the Camo

The Luftwaffe Crew Uniform

First Highlight of the Dark Yellow

Second Highlight Complete

Finished Highlights

Starting Another Platoon

Finished Highlighting

The Unit After Edge Highlighting

Ready for Sealing

Sealed and Dry

Close Up of One Platoon

Ready for their First Action

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