GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2020 - Number 31


Initial deployment. English on the left, French on the right.
More Medievals - Larger Battle

Dave and Chris are steadily increasing the size of their Hundred Years War games as they become more experienced with the "Days of Knights" rules. The latest one, fought outside the "Abbey St Denis", was about 2,000 points a side which turns out to be about as much as can be fit on a 8' x 4' table.

The French eked out a very narrow victory despite losses that would have precluded and pursuit of the stubborn English army.

Crossbows, backed by men at arms, holding the walled vineyard outside the abbey.

A colorful array of mounted knights form the French left and center battles.

Dave's light horse sortie across the ford to deal with the pesky French artillery.

The moment of impact as the knights of the French left crash into the English line.

Isolated groups of English foot fight grimly on.

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