GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2020 - Number 28


HW Teams Glued to Bases
Covid Project 1 - Fallschirmjagers (Part 2)

As covered last time, I had painted a mass of Fallschirmjagers and now needed to get them based and ready for gaming.

I have a specific process for basing up my Flames of War troops, so that is what I followed. I first started with the heavy weapons teams, carefully clipping them from their sprues and mounting them on Battlefront bases. After gluing them in place, I then carefully painted around the prone figures and the weapons with black. This will help when I get to terraining the bases as I don't want to have to push my texture mix all the way up to the figures.

For texturing I use household spackle (used for filling gaps and cracks in walls) mixed with Vallejo Black Surface Primer. This gives great adhesion, and any chipping on the base just reveals a dark black ground under the paint. The primer also makes the mix more liquid, making it easier to spread and work with.

After texturing, I painted the bases with Citadel Steel Legion Drab, and then drybrushed the raised parts with Citadel Tausept Ochre to give contrast. The bases were then finished off with tufts, for this force I used a mix of Army Painter lowland shrub, woodland and highland tufts.

The finished stands are then varnished to seal them for gameplay. I used Citadel Munitorum Varnish, which gives a smooth, even coat, and applied two coats for durability. The Fallschirmjagers are now ready for the table!

The Bases After blocking Around Weapons and Prone Figures in Black

Close Up of the Effect

Another View

My Texture Solution - Spackle and Vallejo Surface Primer

Applying the Texture

A Mortar Battery with Texture Applied

Spackle Before Being Mixed

A Mass of Textured Stands

Painting - Earth Color

After Earth and Drybrush

Ready for the Adding Tufts

After Adding Tufts

Ready for Sealing

The Finished Force

Allies Beware

Close Up of One Platoon

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