GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2020 - Number 27


Some Painted FJ Sprues
Covid Project 1 - Fallschirmjagers

As the country continues to work its way through the effects of the Covid pandemic, one way of social distancing is to stay home and focus on gaming projects, to have new forces and options available when we are able to gather and game again in the future. I am no exception, and my first project was a full formation (Company) of Fallschirmjagers.

I like to build full formations together, so I decided to do a full FJ company from the Flames of War D-Day Germans book. I had no existing FJ units, so I went for 3 full strength FJ platoons with all of the options, an MG platoon, an 8cm and a 12cm mortar platoon, and a PaK40 AT platoon. While I was at it, I also did up the stands needed to field them as Mid-War FJs from Diving Eagles, including 2.8cm AT teams, Engineers and 7.5cm Recoiless teams.

The new Battlefront figures were quite nice to paint up. I did the majority of the painting on the sprues, as I had plenty of space to work with between the figures. After a black prime, I drybrushed the figures with Vallejo 821 German Camo Beige, and then drybrushed the flesh with Citadel Ratskin flesh. The figures were then shaded with Citadel Agrax Earthshade, and the flesh areas with an additional wash of Secret Weapon Flesh Wash.

I then cleaned up the borders of the smocks and flesh, plus their weapons and equipment, with black. I added camo splotches using Vallejo 890 Reflective Green and 826 German Camo Brown. I then carefully highlighted the camo areas with Citadel Warpstone Glow and Mournfang Brown, which are more vibrant shades that nicely complement the Vallejo base colors.

To finish them off, I carefully blacklined around the colors to exaggerate the separation, and added the wood areas (canteen, rifle buts) and canvas areas and straps. I then tidied up the bases with Citadel Steel Legion Drab, and added some collar patches. I'm happy with how they turned out.

Painting up roughly 260 figures in a batch can feel a bit daunting, but I find I'm much more efficient when I do them this way. I'll cover basing them up next week.

Close Up of One Sprue

By Batch Painting I can Efficiently Paint all of Each Pose Together

A Sprue Before Black Lining

And After Black Lining

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