GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2020 - Number 25


The Corsairs, all in the "advantaged" position get ready to swoop down on the first flight of Zeroes
Blood Red Skies: Pacific Action

Chris and Greg recently played a game of Blood Red Skies set in the late-war Pacific theater. The scenario they were playing was "Bounced" where one side gets the jump on the other and the latter has to try and hang on until reinforcements can join the dogfight.

The Japanese outnumbered the Americans 6 to 4 but were saddled with inferior pilots and older aircraft.

Much to everyone's surprise the Japanese emerged victorious, shooting down three Corsairs without loss and compelling the surviving enemy pilot to use his superior speed to escape.

The Japanese, suspecting nothing

Close up of a pair of Corsairs. Unlike the Zeroes, these models are metal hence being mounted on the larger bases

The Zeroes turn into the Americans to try and get as close as possible and utilize their "tight turn" trait cards. The trailing element are all :"advantaged" but they are a long way back

Against better pilots and more modern aircraft the Japanese figure they might as well get in there and melee

Greg's canny use of the "poorly trained opponents" card stops two of the Zeroes climbing up to "advantaged"

Furball! Already one Zero has gotten on the tail of an opponent

Japanese reinforcements on the way

Out-turned, two Corsairs go plummeting into the ocean

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