GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2020 - Number 24


Inhabitants of an obscure village in Picardie watch the armies form up
Days of Knights: Hundred Years War Action

After a couple of years of intermittent painting, Chris finished up his 28mm Hundred Year War collection near the end of 2019. To celebrate, he and Dave took a small fraction of the host and played an inaugural test game using the rules set "Days of Knights".

You can see an in-depth review of the rules at the link here.

The big cavalry melee in the center that would decide the day. After the repulse of the Scottish attack on their right, the English attempted to complete the enemy's rout by launching their reserve cavalry at the French center. Alas, they were held and then overwhelmed by the opposing knights and it was the French who carried the day.

The English army awaits atop a ridge, their flank anchored (they hope) upon the village

The English commander at his post beside the windmill, backed by a retinue of mounted knights

Scottish allies and local peasants moving up to try and turn the English flank

Genoese crossbowmen (very sensibly) staying at long range of the massed longbows atop the ridge and hiding behind their pavises

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