GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2020 - Number 22


The dingo scout car commander calling in another mortar barrage
Bolt Action: A Close Shave in Burma

Both Shawn and Chris have recently painted Bolt Action armies, and they finally clashed in the jungles of Burma. The scenario was "Hold Until Relieved" from the rulebook with Chris' Japanese trying to take a bunker from Shawn's Gurkhas. The Emperor's troops managed the first part but not the second, successfully storming the objective only to be dislodged by a ferocious counterattack.

MVP of the game was Shawn's Dingo scout car. Surprised, by a hail of fire erupting out of the jungle and disturbing their morning, the crew immediately hosed down the offending Japanese 25mm gun destroying it. The diminutive vehicle then went on to call in highly effective indirect fire on the enemy before providing vital fire support for the charge that recaptured the objective bunker.

Great looking table and figures.

Japanese take cover and try and provide covering fire

Gurkhas charge to recapture the bunker

Japanese infantry squad emerging from the jungle

Mortar rounds (and resulting pin markers) rain down on the objective

Banzai! Two waves of Japanese charge out of the undergrowth

Japanese stealthily advancing towards their objective under cover of mortar and sniper fire

Crossing a dry gulley

The Japanese 25mm cannon crew opens up on the dingo scout car parked behind the bunker, missing both shots and instantly regretting it

Shinske the sniper trying to keep the enemy's heads down

Getting ready to charge out of the forest

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