GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2020 - Number 20


Dave's Russians Mass Against Garry's British/US Forces
Team Yankee: March Action

Our most recent Team Yankee game day saw another good variety of games, with a mix of European and Middle East Theatre action, but with the weighting moving back to European with the release of the new WW3 British equipment by Battlefront.

On a large Middle East table, an Israeli force faced off with a Russian T-64 force.

On the European tables, we had Russians against US and British, and Poles against American matchups. Great games all, and lots of fun!

Russian BMPs Support Their Infantry

A German Town Awaits the Storm

British Support Fires from Concealment

Israeli Infantry Dig in on a Height

US Mech Infantry Approach a Town

US and British Forces Dig In

Soviet T-64s Deploy Around Spearheading Scouts

The Israeli Position on the Heights

Merkavas Move Up to Support the Infantry

Soviet Infantry Swarm Forward

British Infantry Opens Fire

Soviet Armor Advances

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