GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2020 - Number 18


Pavlov Grenadiers Hold a Stream Near Strehlen
Road to Leipzig: Dresden, 1813 with Black Powder

Our latest game in our series leading up to Leipzig this summer was set during the fighting for Dresden. After an Allied assault on the city was beaten off, Napoleon arrived with his main army and counterattacked, winning an important but not lasting victory.

We set our action during the French advance after the arrival of the Emperor, focusing on the sector held by the Russian army. The Russians formed up from Plauen to Leubnitz, and attempted to halt the French advance.

The fighting actually went quite close to history, as the French and their allies managed to overwhelm the Tsar's forces, pushing them back in disarray.

It was a great looking game, and great fun!

Cavalry Clashes Near Leubnitz

And in the Shadow of the Grosse Garten

Guard Jaegers Hold Leubnitz

A Russian Brigade Assaults the Italian Guard

More Russian Cavalry Enters the Fray

While the Tsar Looks On

Italians Form Up in Attack Columns

Heavy Fighting Along the Stream

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