GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2019 - Number 8


The Royalist Left Flank Deploys
Skirmish Group: Pike & Shotte Final Battle

The Skirmish Group's series of English Civil War battles, using the Pike & Shotte rules from Warlord Games, concluded in January with a large field battle. The two previous engagements modified the forces available somewhat, but the Royalists felt that they had learned from their problems and could give a good account of themselves in the final action.

This battle turned out much more competitively than the previous two, but true to form the Royalists were unable to overcome their Parliamentarian rivals in the end. A great series of battles, kudos to all the players and organizers.

Royalists Eager to Get to Grips with the Foe

Parliamentary Cavalry Deploy

The Parliamentary Center

And Left

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