GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2019 - Number 62


Action Around Grossgorschen
Black Powder: Lutzen, 1813

As we work toward a giant Leipzig game planned for next year, I've been running a series of prepatory battles to help players build their forces.

This month we moved on the 1813 campaign, starting with the battle of Lutzen from 1813. This saw a combined Russo-Prussian force attempt to crush Napoleon's leading elements under Marshal Ney, while French forces converged on their flanks.

The historical battle was a French victory, but with heavy casualties it wasn't the decisive victory the Emperor was looking for.

The French Assault Rahna

Our refight focused on the action east of the Flossgraben, which focused on control of a number of small villages, including Kaja, Rahna, Grossgorschen and Kleingorschen.

Our refight went quite like the original, with back and forth actions around the villages while the Allies desperately tried to hold their flanks. When the smoke cleared, the French had taken Rahna, and then held it from a furious Russian assault at nightfall to secure a narrow French victory. It was a beautiful game and great fun!

Heavy Fighting Toward Elsdorf

Cavalry Meets as the Melee Swirls

Cody's Prussians Seize Grossgorschen

Heavy Fighting in the Center

Pavlov Grenadiers Charge In

Cavalry Streams Forward

Italian and Russian Troops Fight for Starseidel

The Italian Command Looks On

Gallitzin's Forces Emerge from a Wood

While His Cavalry Engage the Italians

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