GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2019 - Number 33


Lynn and Gary Discuss Guard Uniformology
Skirmish Group: Napoleon in Spain Game 2

The Skirmish Group ran the second of its linked battles from the Penninsular Campaign, using 28mm Napoleonics and the Black Powder rules.

Dave came up with a fun, narrative scenario, with the French needing their cavalry to recover their ammunition train on one table, while the main French army struggled with no artillery ammunition and rather reluctant German allies on the main table, against a vigorous British advance.

The cavalry action was fast and furious, with both players taking turns breaking enemy brigades. A close run thing, but the French managed to secure the precious ammunition before being driven from the field. Meanwhile, cavalry needed on the main field spent the game moving back and forth between the tables, never arriving on either. The series will wind up next month, it will be fun to see the surprises planned!

Shawn and Mat Discuss Tactics

The British Cavalry Brigade Arrives

German Allies (?) Secure the Town (And Search for Gold...)

The Cavalry Battle Opens

The Main French Army Arrives

French Cavalry Search a Wrecked Wagon for Ammo

Alan Charging Mat and Ed

British Infantry Aggressively Engage the French

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