GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2019 - Number 22


American Armor With Air Cover
Mega Game: Kasserine Pass, 1942

Our latest mega game featured a mid-war Tunisian clash, the Battle of Kasserine Pass in 1942. The battle saw Rommel's last victory, as he overran the pass, opening the way to the Allied rear areas. The battle was actually quite hard fought, and the victory was quite costly in terms of casualties. Ultimately, the Axis forces failed to follow up and the Allies went on to drive them from Tunisia.

Our re-fight was conducted on a 22 ft long table, covering the breadth of the pass. A plethora of US forces, with a few British, took on a mix of German and Italian forces, struggling to clear the pass.

The fighting was heavy all across the pass right from the start. In the west, the Axis forces gained the upper hand, holding 4 of the 6 objectives when the dust settled. In the east the Allies did better, holding 3 of 5. So we ended with the narrowest of Axis victories overall, a fairly historical result.An excellent game and great fun.

US Infantry Deploys

US Infantry Hold a Key Junction in the East

The US Center Advances

DAK Armor Assails the Western Heights

Italian Forces Deploying Around the Town of Kasserine

The Eastern Flank

Jim and Grandson Hold the US Center

Rommel's Armor in Full Glory

Gary's Italian Force Support's Shawn's Germans

US Shermans Arrive

Bart and Todd Enjoy the Massed Armor

US Infantry Under Heavy Italian Fire

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