GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2019 - Number 3


Dave Deploys His Soviets
Team Yankee: WW3 Rages On

Our ongoing Team Yankee campaign continued last month with yet more action across Europe. Continuing the recent NATO resurgence, the NATO forces managed to free Munich, successfully pushing back the Soviet southern thrust all the way back to the original border, while NATO forces also pushed into Harz, which cut the last remaining supply corridor to the Warsaw Pact forces clustered around the Ruhr to Rhine areas, and also holding Frankfurt.

The upcoming games this month could be decisive, as the Warsaw Pact needs to free up their supply lines or face the loss of almost all of their gains in the West.

Good View of the Table

Garry and Shawn Getting Set Up

US and West German Forces Advance

NATO Forces Inflict Heavy Casualties

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