GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2019 - Number 27


Massed Soviet Armor Counterattack on Dresden
Team Yankee Campaign: Drive for Berlin 2

Our ongoing Team Yankee campaign continued to focus on the drive for Berlin, the capture of which will end the campaign.

Warsaw Pact forces managed some heavy counterattacks this month, with the largest, a huge Soviet armor force tried to retake Dresden to protect the route to Berlin. After heavy fighting, a combined British and US force held them off, leaving the road to Berlin now open.

In other actions, a second NATO attempt to liberate Hamburg South failed narrowly, and an East German force managed to retake Harz from Salzwedel. Next month's action will see fighting on the outskirts of Berlin itself.

Heavy Fighting Outside Hamburg

Soviet Armor Takes on M1s

The Urban Table (Salzburg) After All the Fighting Last Month

East and West Germans Tangle in Harz

Isolated US Tanks Under Fire

Soviet Infantry Cuts Off US Forces in Harz

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