GAJO Games

GAJO Happenings and Ramblings Blog

2019 - Number 18


Tables Set Up with ITC Terrain
Wargames for Warriors: Warhammer 40k for Charity

We recently hosted a large GT-style Warhammer 40k event for charity, benefits going to Fisher House (Veterans) and Children's Miracle Network. We wound up with 30 players, playing 5 games over 2 days. The event was great fun, and raised a bunch of money for some great charities. Enjoy the Photos!

We Had 14 Tables Upstairs for the Event

Arranged in Pairs to Accomodate the 40k Missions and Deployment

The ITC Terrain is Designed for Fair Layouts

We Also Had 3 Tables in the Downstairs Club Space

Action Gets Underway

Aaron Moving His Night Lords

Full House Upstairs

The Games Went Smoothly

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